Friday, September 01, 2006

Thursday December 10th 1931

In the sitting room at Mrs Woods. A warm fireside. Finished reading "The Old Tree Blossomed" by Ernest Raymond. As I read the last sad pages, I heard a gentle dance tune from the nearby wireless, "..close your eyes and leave the world behind you..."

Work at the B.U. (I clocked in as clerk no. 1123!) - was boring and unrewarding.

2002 Comment -

At the B.U. there are always plenty of jokes to take part in and see. There has to be plenty of fun. If it were otherwise, the dull drudgery of the desks would overwhelm us and we should decay or go mad. The jokes just keep us hopeful and cheery.

Barry Spiro now shared my room at No. 4. He was half Dutch, half Jewish, and had one green eye and one brown eye. He was a trainee at Marks & Spencers.