Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday December 20th 1932

In trouble most of the day. Felt stupid and acted accordingly. 'In trouble again, Dawson.' 'Yes, Mac. The window... ' 'You're not worrying, lad, are you?' But I was.

(NOTE: 1996. I wonder what happened to Mac in the War? He would have made a good Sergeant. A kindly but responsible person.)

At 8.30 PM I was sent for. 'How many blocks of butter have you done this week?' asked Mr
Lanning. 'Thirty seven, sir'. 'Right. Do three more and make it a ton.' Later ‑ 'Ball and I have used up all the buttery trays, sir'. 'Pack up then. Start tying chickens at once. Lots to do'. Left work 9.30 pm.


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