Monday, October 16, 2006

Wednesday December 7th 1932

34 boxes of butter arrived today and we began at once. Hard as a frozen board ! Woollerton, a big fellow from Cheapside, was sent to help us and may stay some time. Worked until 9.30 pm. Carrying up the last tray ‑ 84 lbs ‑ my strength gave out and I just reached a counter before the load slid off. Head aching. Chilblains coming too...

(Reading these diary extracts of my life nearly 60 years ago ‑ well, it wasn't life it was drudgery and existence. The long hours meant the end of all evening social pleasures. There was only, now, a rare participation in Scouting activities and I had to give up night school studies ‑ shorthand, the Police Class and the psychology course at Vaughan College.)


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