Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday 2nd November 1939

Nursed myself; it was a half holiday. Went to bed and dozed during the afternoon.

Evening: walked up to the Sunbeam Café and had supper by a cheery fire there. Sausages, tomatoes, egg and chips and coffee, followed later by Welsh Rarebit and coffee. I sat and read a swashbuckling cloak and sword romance by Sabatini – leaving the Army far away.

Yesterday I only smoked nine cigarettes and today seven – but I shall risk one more before I go to bed. Reckon I might be able to cut it down still further, for a while at least. Must rid myself of this confounded cough and get fit.

Alone in billet attic (which I begin to dislike) tonight. I’ve darned a pair of socks and now I’ll clean-up for tomorrow. I’ll be glad when we move from Chelmsford and “the show really starts” as the Major put it.


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