Monday, July 28, 2008

Tuesday 28th November 1939

I went to the dance once again. Stood with the “snakes” but anxiously watched the door. “I’ve just seen tomorrow’s orders,” said Sid Pond. “The promotions list is through; and you and I both go up to bombardier!” At last, after all these months, the second stripe! “Fine!” I said, still watching the door. And suddenly she was standing there, with her strange witch eyes. We looked at each other and laughed; and danced away. It was a waltz, but we didn’t dance very well; we talked.

“So you are Rolands’ sister!”
“I’m every so sorry about last week. We were inoculated that day”
“Yes, I know. Which arm is it?”
“Oh, it’s alright now”
“She’s come old man” I cried to the snakes.
“Everything’s fine now, then, Steve”
“Yes, no more depression”

No late pass but I stayed at the dance until about 10:20 and then took Eileen home. Felt a devil of a criminal; I usually respect all Army rules and regulations. Returned along Westgate as the Minster clock chimed a quarter to eleven. Until Thursday!


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