Friday, March 30, 2007

Monday 15th April 1935

Late up; therefore no breakfast. Lunchtime delicious bacon and eggs at Magna Charta café. Station re train fares.

Phoned Peggy. Chatted in quick, jerky sentences with Maddison, on the river bank.
…Virginia Water at dusk. Smell of wood smoke and night noises.

Told Pegs we had come to the last page of the book “Unfulfillment”, a story of an unfortunate love affair. Then I picked her up and threatened to drop her. A long walk back along the lakeside. We shared my mac in the drizzling rain. Good comrades – “cousins”. Sat on a fence under a tree, smoking cigarettes. A noisy streamlet just below. I enjoyed it all. At Wood Haw gate I said, “Cheerio. We won’t say goodbye”. We didn’t. Good companions.

That really was the end of the first love affair. But not of the friendship which grew out of it. Actually, this episode reached it’s zenith in July last.
Gradually declined ever since, as the sun moves downwards, cooling gradually, after midday. “When love has changed to kindliness” It has. The poignancy, agony and sweetness went with the first rapturous glamour. Hark to the Swan-song of first love!
I write coldly, without emotion. Have become liking!


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