Saturday, October 27, 2007

Monday 5th April 1937

Feeling very stiff after yesterday’s strenuous outing. (Quite a short stroll across the Epsom Downs, with Gwyn, Margaret and John. I am becoming effete.)

Packy and I reached Southend at 11:30 a.m. After three calls we were joined at 12:30 by Mr Insoll.

After tea they took me – and my piles of kit – to Herbert Grove. “Cheerio, good luck!” The two cars drove away. I lit a cigarette, went indoors and once again arranged my belongings neatly in their respective places. This evening I went to the headquarters of no.3 Company, 54th (East Anglian) Divisional Signals, TA
(I give the full and official designation). I cannot join until I have obtained my RNVR discharge. Atmosphere here was better class and more efficient than at the Canvey TA drill hall. The men all specialists, fairly intelligent. The lowest rank is Signalman, not Private and – great attraction! – they wear spurs. “No marching,” said the SM impressively, “We go about in lorries”.

I saw a Benfleet bus in High Street, went aboard and called on Vera. When I suggested going to see some wrestling, her eyes sparkled and she jumped high in the air. Can hardly realise she is 22. A sweet good night kiss outside her digs.


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