Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Saturday 3rd June 1939

Summer day. Drove to Thornwood Common with George Embleton and arrived about twenty minutes before the rest. A very green field with orderly rows of white bell tents. Found Tiny Jennings (advance party) and arranged to be with him in the second tent of the seventh row. The rest arrived by bus and dismissed, rushed to their tents.
Jacko, Ling, Alan Cracknell, Jack Cracknell and Sammy Jacobovitch.

The Cracknells and Jacko were friends of George’s. I chose Stanley Ling as he had been detailed to help me on the exchange. Jacobovitch, an Aldgate Jew (half Polish) was an interloper. Eight in the tent. Hell of a lot! We had nothing to do today except attend roll call and hear the Camp Notices read out by the Major. Drew a ground sheet, two blankets, a pillow slip and palliasse from Stores. Straw provided! Comfort, by gad! Oil cloths, cups and saucers and china plates in the mess tents. Cutlery provided, too! Quite a gentlemanly unit!


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