Monday, August 18, 2008

Tuesday 2nd April 1940

Things are more “tightened up” once more, i.e. being made more unpleasant for the men. Cleaning, polishing and fatigues. It is a great relief to sometimes be under Mr Adams and do signalling work. Today we had a battery drill order, which was quite a success from the signallers point of view. Ling and I on exchange. Nice orange grove country. There was a withdrawal and this went smoothly, as far as communication were concerned. (Pleased, I heard in an abstract way, my own voice, unhurried and unworried as the PTW multiple call was put through. Hope I’ll be as cool if we ever do it in action.) Every signaller seemed efficient.

“A Troop”
“A Troop answering”
“GPO to the phone…”

I wonder if we shall have many more drill orders? Rumour states this may have been the last, as we are about to hand over many of our guns, vehicles and equipment. Amazing, if true!


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