Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday 24th April 1940

We washed and shaved in the tent from a communal bowl – water comes by pipeline and is very scarce. Got the lorries unloaded after breakfast and left camp at 10 a.m.

Hot along the sandy roads to Gaza. It’s definitely warmer along this way than in west-central Palestine. I think Nathanya must be one of the coolest places in this country. We’ll appreciate it later but at present the occasional cold winds don’t agree with my thin blood! Now returning, the green-ness of Gaza and the country beyond struck me forcibly after being in desert lands. Trees, bushes and orange groves! Sunny roads, thronged with people from Rehovot, through Tel Aviv and to Nathanya. A Jewish holiday had made the roads almost similar to English highways at a summer weekend.

Camp and the adventure ended. It had been a ripping experience, the best I’d had since coming East. Felt thoroughly “browned off” to be back in the dread atmosphere of monotonous routine.


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