Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Friday 12th June 1942

Moved on whilst I was still asleep. When I awoke we were just below an escarpment.

Breakfast, four biscuits, jam and tea. Temperature and pulse almost normal, felt much better.

60 pounders were firing nearby and much tank gunfire sounded above the escarpment. Presently shells began to fall in our area. Then there was a mass air raid again, which produced many casualties. Four bloody, badly wounded men came into my ambulance, also three slightly wounded cases. The latter and I squatted on the floor. God knows where we were but two of the wounded were from our attached infantry and one man – with a huge hole in his shoulder – was from 104 RHA!

Terrible journey, all day, for the wounded; bumping and jolting. Another mass raid. Too apathetic to be scared, I stayed in the ambulance with the stretcher cases. Late in the afternoon we reached – Tobruch! I was taken to the same ward, in the same hospital. Quite uncanny! Temperature 102.2 degrees when I arrived but I feel better now. Women's voices, cool and drawling. There are nurses here nowadays. And clean sheets and pyjamas!

Luscious meal. I made a beast of myself with the pudding, which contained lots of milk, and so could not finish the potatoes, stew and bread and margarine. I had a good drink out of the wash bowl they brought for me, before I had a wash. Now I've had a mug of cocoa and I feel fine. It is malaria, again. Being evacuated in the hospital ship tomorrow.


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