Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Monday October 3rd 1932

Up at dawn. Breakfast 6 am then good bye and away along the line. Train to the city 7.30 am. Home, changed then back to City centre. Police HQ, no vacancy now, suggest call again next March.

Called at Gipson Clark's. Perky came out to see me in the reception room. No job offered; Perky had sent for me at the suggestion of Mr. Ruddock who felt it might help if I wrote a personal appeal to one of the B.U. directors, a Mr. Paine. Very kind of him. Against my better judgement I agreed to write the letter.

(Why did Perky get me out to his office ‑ not his home ‑ just to give me this advice ? I think, now, that he did hope to find me a job with his company but this fell through. Anyhow it was a kindliness both from him and the important Mr. Ruddock, whom I had hardly ever met).

Evening at no. 4. They decided to have a seance! Thora a friend of Mrs. Wood's was there. To my surprise, Mr Wood co‑operated and was very serious. Mrs Wood was the medium, 'Are you there, friend?' Barry made dramatic snoring noises and Thora screamed. Otherwise nothing happened except that the table shook and crockery rattled on the sideboard.


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