Thursday, February 01, 2007

Friday January 20th 1933

Arrived at the shop at 8.00 a.m. Should have been 7.30, but luckily, Mr. Lanning was as late as myself.

McTavish away – influenza – and Mr. Lanning ill! Phoned an S.O.S. to the Inspector and went home to bed. Mr. Slaughter in charge. A change in our routine. During the afternoon, we abandoned printing the butter and just cut and wrapped it in squares.

In the tea interval, I ran to the Labour Exchange and drew the dole money – 6/3 – due to me. A wild half hour when I returned; demand in the shop had overtaken supply in the cellar! At last, we got the butter under control, slicing, weighing madly.

Closing time; still we worked and by squaring, shifted the butter very quickly. A cup of tea each - teaette- and left for home at 10.15 p.m.

Financial state on 29th January 1933: Bank £1.10.0, Cash £1.10.6, Total £3 and 6 pence. A decrease of 17/6 since the end of December.


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