Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday 8th July 1936

Medical inspection for “men going to sea” (“Have you had a cold?” asked the Doctor. “Yes sir” “Better now?” “Yes sir” “Lets have a look at your mouth. Alright, you’re fit”). Across the room were a party of new entries waiting to be kitted as Ordinary Seamen. Among them I saw Easman, whom I met once, months ago, on the Embankment. So he had joined!

Drew “ducks” from the slop room. Hefty canvas garments. Outside the Captains Office we fell in to receive our instructions for joining. To my delight I was listed for HMS Broke, a flotilla leader! At Devonport. Usually, the first year’s sea training is spent on a battle ship. Destroyers much more exciting. Two others for “Broke”, an AB and a torpedo rating. Both strangers.


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