Thursday, November 22, 2007

Friday 30th April 1937

A day at the works, Egham. Among people I know and understand.
Mr Val Randall, Mr Lever, Harris, Daley, Driver White, Jelleyman, Mad Willy, Ellis, Ted Davis, Bill Davis…

Called on a few old acquaintances afterwards. “Pleasant reception” (to use a sales report phrase) but I thought, secretly, that this sentimental visiting was perhaps fatuous. Once two people have lost touch, the interest is gone.

Returned to Town about 10 o’clock. Near Brentford, a fast moving car passed me then stopped with a jerk as signal lights turned red. A girl in the rear seat was jolted forward. Then she turned and looked back through the window (headlights of the next car switched full on). Surely it was Anne! Perhaps I was wrong. That car got away first when the lights turned to green. I was third. The needle of the speedometer swung to sixty five as I followed but I could not overtake and soon afterwards I turned off the main road, towards Ealing.


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