Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday 11th June 1937

This evening, still in search of a suitable TA unit, I called at the headquarters of a new ack-ack battery at Eastwood. Full title: 193rd Anti Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army).
The drill hall was closed but the Sergeant Major showed me around. This is the forth unit I have visited and I think I shall join. Have said nothing about my previous training and do not intend to. Less fuss. Except for that, I reckon I’ll join the Essex unit.

Advantages of Eastwood:

Training includes foot drill, marching and rifle drill!

The Colonel is an architect. There are one or two builders in the ranks.

Having passed out of the recruit course there are several specialist subjects for one to choose from - doubtless one of these is not “essentially mechanical”.

Have heard about this unit before. It has a pretty high standard of education etc. This is not altogether an advantage. I like a tough outfit!

The Sergeant-major held out no glittering offer of a stripe within six months, as at Rochford. Maybe the 193rd is all the better for that. Not so hard up for recruits!

Damn it! I do like the Rochford show! If only I’d kept secret my previous service! If only they did a bit of rifle drill and so forth!


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