Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday 18th September 1938

A day with John. After lunch at Roedean, we walked across to Hockley. Left the B and AV at Nobles Green (but not in the same place!) We had tea and games of darts and then cider and then more darts and plenty of cigarettes, in The Bull, at Hockley.
Happy day again.

I saw John on the train at Southend 9:30p.m. We exchanged the old Blacksheep sign – clenched fist and open palm, crossed – as we parted. Found Lois with Joan, at an aid-Spain meeting. Drove them to their respective places of habitation. I am now so much in love that it hurts me to see her!

Rupert Brooke’s, “Clean, clear bitter-sweet”.


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