Thursday, April 17, 2008

Friday 25th November 1938

Last week was quite good, on the road. This week –

Monday: Rochford and Grays. One overdue cheque, one order (worth 11/6d)
Tuesday: Locals. One overdue cheque and one order (worth 16/-)
Wednesday: Chelmsford and Colchester. Nothing.
Thursday: Colchester district. One overdue cheque and one order (worth 16/-) handed on to a merchant.

Today, however has been better. Locals. An order from Turnridge, an order and a “bit on account” from Yeldham. And I at last received a 4 1/2 gallon order for heat resistant paint from Coleman and Hosking, the radiator manufacturers. I’ve been trying to “get in“ with them for several months. Had to obtain liquid samples of the colours from the contractors at Rochford Junior School. Was very cautious, saying I’d been sent by the radiator manufacturers, not that I was a paint representative.

Evening: Drill night at the Yeomanry. They’d just received wireless sets and we had our first instruction tonight. To my joy, I was one of the five Signallers taken to have a first lesson. I’d feared that, ignoring my previous service, they would leave me among the lesser lights. Actually, although ignorant I was able to keep my end up easily. For instance, I was the only member of the class to recognise a low tension battery…

Drove back from Chelmsford in a gale of wind and rain. B and AV tore into it manfully. With the windscreen wiper clicking fitfully, rain streaming down the windows, wind roaring – there ended –

Starshine 1938


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