Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday 6th September 1936

Slept in rough wooden bunks. Awoke about 7:30. There was no panic about getting up and I lay luxuriously for some time, watching the earlier risers washing and shaving. (The sole wash basin was near the foot of my bunk.)

After breakfast, went to Century Range for some shooting at 250 yards. Only one target available, so it was slow work. With my eight rounds I got several “outers” and a “magpie”; one “miss”.

Came up by the 3:11 from Brookwood. A noisy party at first; but near Wimbledon I had a short doze. Waking up suddenly, I looked around… Every man was asleep! “Carriage load of corpses!” said someone, a few minutes later.

Went to Ealing. Had a glorious hot bath. Reached Kapai about 10 o’clock.


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