Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Saturday 2nd March 1935

Worked in the colour shop. Tiring labour, stirring big tanks of paint.

At lunchtime, Mad Willy came into the Red Lion to discuss some Poly. Prep. We sat in the parlour with our notes (+ cider + cigarettes!)

Evening, met Young at the Ship. Drinks there and at the Swan (ultra modern and cold). I felt hungry; sausage and chips at somewhere “cheap and cheerful”. Back to the Ship until closing time.

Bob and I parted somewhere in Windsor Park. Leaned on our bikes talking quietly for some time. How utterly silent and dark and peaceful! Vague shapes around. Glowing ends of cigarettes.

Got home at 12.30. Late again! Supper in the bedroom. I had no matches for my “nightcap” smoke, so went downstairs to the taproom and lit it at the dull-glowing fire. Then read in bed for an hour or so.


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