Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday 14th July 1936

Turn out at 5.30. Lash up and stow. Fall in 6 o’clock. No time for a cup of tea in the meantime. Spent morning polishing bright-work on the quarterdeck. “Stand easy!” is piped at 10.30 and 2.30, when all hands rush forward for a quick smoke.

Afternoon: a party of us were over the side, scrubbing the whaler.

Went ashore with the 7 o’clock libertymen. After being photographed with two of the Clydes, McIntee (Wee M’Ginty) and I went to the Pictures. Saw “Follow the Fleet” from the sixpenny seats.

Tonight I tied my socks over that confounded police light – and slept well.


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