Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sunday 2nd April 1933

Met the H.F. Ramblers at St. Marys Street. A sunny day but with a sharp breeze blowing. Across South Common, Bracebridge, Branston, Potter Hanworth, Wasps Nest, Nocton Woods, Dunston. (Football, Speed Records, Education, War, Socialism, Bolshevism). By bridle paths and fields as well as roads. Bare trees and buds. Dinner in a field. The truculent young gamekeeper who later relented. Primroses. Tea, a wash etc. at the Butchers Arms, Dunston. (Our mass cowardice, the police force, the dog of the inn, the “tea”).

On the way back mostly by road, darkness soon fell. Charlie and his political views. Nocton Potter, Hansworth, Branston and walked home in comfort. Tired but not very hungry. Not much appetite nowadays; I felt a lot more fit for the days outing. Mileage about 21. 11.15 to 9.30p.m.


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