Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wednesday 3rd May 1933

I met Akel in Civies. He found me again at 11o’clock in the town and we drove to Sudbrooke. I was to show a Scout from Bury the Park. Dick, serious, well educated type. We paddled around the lake for some time with “Wolf”, which went well with the two of us. Islands. Horace’s nest. Rain. Woody footpaths. Waiting by the roadside. Akel came at 1p.m.

Back to Lincoln. Met Castledine and asked him for a YHA card.

A hasty dinner, changed and dashed to Westgate. Another chat with Castledine re. YHA. Met Akel and Co. Sudbrooke again. Drizzling rain. Granny, Dick, Burkey and a new recruit from Sheffield. Mended a barb-wire fence in the rain. A walk through the gardens.

Dash back to Lincoln. Tea. At 5 to 6 began writing. Wrote to six hotels in Harrowgate, asking for a job. Washed, changed and dashed to town. Posted the letters and met HF in Silver Street at 7 o’clock. Rainy, Gwen, Doris and Cecil. Canwick Hill, Canwick and Washingborough. Short walk but pleasant. Home 10p.m.


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