Monday, March 19, 2007

Sunday 7th January 1934

Morning, church, at Egham – in plus-fours! Afternoon ramble with the Southern Middlesex Club. Egham station, train to Ascot, we just filled one carriage. Royal Berkshire Forest (that big splash of green on my map). Drizzly weather. We climbed a hill and saw pine trees, rain mist and shadows of night. Plodding on, through the dusk. Endless trees and many cross tracks. Darkness. Surely this was the centre of the maze! Eleven roads joined – Lower Star Post. Gaunt place. Lights! Main road, tea house. Good tea for a shilling. Laughter, cigarettes and arguments. Most of these people are Communists or Socialists, with silly views on such things as Boy Scouts.

After tea, Ascot again. Cider at one hotel, while we waited for our train. More cigarettes. Last sixpence! Sang our way home. Reached Magna Charta about 10 o’clock. Now bed; tired, should sleep well.


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